Windows Vista Tip - Migrate Your Wireless Settings

From Josh's Windows Weblog :

Here is a handy way to export your wireless LAN settings if you failed to save them off or want to transfer them to another machine. You can also use this as a method of exporting your corporate wireless LAN settings which tend to be more involved than your typical WPA setup.  You can also use this to deploy using SMS or other delivery methods.

  1. Launch a command prompt as an admin
  2. Using the netsh command prompt list your wireless LAN profiles using the following command
    "netsh wlan show profiles"
  3. Note the Wireless LAN profile name you are wanting to export (ex. Linksys)
  4. Run the following command to export your profile
    "Netsh wlan export profile name="[ProfileName]" Folder="[Folder Path]"

Pretty easy, right?

To import on the new/other machine is just as easy simply use and admin command prompt and run the "netsh wlan add profile filename="[filename.xml]" command.

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